Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Poem Chapter 4 For a Five Year Old Boy – KSEEB Solutions


Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Poem Chapter 4 For a Five Year Old Boy Question and Answers are prepared according to the latest academic syllabus. So refer to our Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions to score good marks in the exams. Tap the link and Download KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 4 For a Five Year Old Boy to cover all the topics.

For a Five Year Old Boy Poem Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

With the help of the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4 For a Five Year Old Boy Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary you can get an idea about the subject. Also we suggest the students keep the textbook aside to learn the subject in depth.

C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner:

Question 1.
Name the creature mentioned in the poem.
Snail is the creature mentioned in the poem

Question 2.
Who do you think is the speaker?
The speaker is none other than the poetess (mother)

Question 3.
Who is the speaker addressing?
The speaker addressing her five years old and the readers.

Question 4.
What does the child want his mother to see?
The child wants its mother to see the snail.

Question 5.
What does the mother tell the child?
The mother tells her child that they should not have the snail-like that. It would be unkind because it might crawl on to the floor and might get crushed under one’s foot.

Read and Write.

C2. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.

Question 1.
Why does the mother say ‘a kind of faith prevails?
The mother says ‘a kind of faith prevails’ because she sees that her child’s gentleness is moulded still by words rather than being guided by gentle actions. Even though the mother acted cruelly by, drawing the child’s kittens, trapping nice, and shooting wild birds. The ‘faith’ the mother refers to is that is the belief that character is built by words rather than actions.

Question 2.
How has the mother treated other animals?
The mother has trapped mice, shot wild birds, drowned kittens, and betrayed the closest relatives like other people.

Question 3.
Do you observe any difference between the mother’s treatment of the snail and her treatment of other animals and her own relatives?
Yes, there is a vast difference between the two. She wants her child to be kind to the snail. She does not want the snail to get crushed under someone’s foot. She behaves well here. But, she had not shown the same kind of concern to other animals. She had killed mice, birds, and kitten without any pity. She had even ill-treated her own relatives. She does not practise what she preaches.

Question 4.
Hoe does the mother console herself? Read the last two lines and comment.
The mother wants her child to learn good behaviour and be kind to all creatures. She recalls that she had not been kind to such creatures. In real life, she had seen people behaving in a similar manner. No one is perfect in this regard. They say one thing and do some other thing. The mother consoles herself saying that she and her child are kind to snails, and this mattered more than anything else, as this is the order of the day.

For a Five Year Old Boy Poem Summary in English

The Poem ‘For a five-Year-old is written by Fleur Adcock.. In the poem, the poet ironically points out the contradictions in our day to day dealings of life. She points out the differences between what we preach and low we act. She ironically points out that by nature human beings do not practice what they preach.

The poet illustrates this human behaviour by narrating a fictitious episode in which she imagines her five-year-old child calling out to her after it sees a snail climbing up the window silly after a rainy night. The mother (Poet) goes to the child’s room and explains that it would be unkind to leave it there because it might climb down to the floor. So it is better to take care of it, before someone unknowingly squashes it. She asks the child to pick it up carefully and carry it outside to the garden and leave it there to feed on daffodil flowers.

In the next stanza the poet wonders why such a kind of faith still prevails where people still believe that character is built by mere words of advice, than by actions of others. She feels sad, because the child believed in her words and acted gently with the snail. She feels sad but amazed because the child believed the words of her mother (Poet) who was actually not gentle in her actions. The mother (Poet) had taken her words seriously even though it knew that the mother had drowned the child’s kittens and betrayed even her close relatives. The Poet had also conveyed such harsh truths to others. The harsh truth is that, it is human nature to preach one thing and practice another and that is how things go on in this world.

She strongly believes that being a mother of a child, she is right in advising her child to be good and gentle. And so both the mother and child are kind to little creatures like snails.

For a Five Year Old Boy Poem Summary in Kannada


The main aim is to provide quality education for the students of Class 8 English Karnataka State Board Solutions. Class 8 is very important for the students in their careers. We hope the information provided in this KSEEB Solutions Class 8 English Chapter 4 For a Five Year Old Boy Questions and Answers is satisfactory for all. Bookmark our site to get the latest information about the solutions.

Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Poem Chapter 3 No Men are Foreign – KSEEB Solutions


Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Poem Chapter 3 No Men are Foreign Questions and Answers are prepared according to the latest academic syllabus. So refer to our Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions to score good marks in the exams. Tap the link and Download KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 No Men are Foreign to cover all the topics.

No Men are Foreign Poem Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

With the help of the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3 No Men are Foreign Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary you can get an idea about the subject. Also we suggest the students keep the textbook aside to learn the subject in depth.

C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner:

Question 1.
What does the poet remind us of in the first line of the poem?
The poet reminds us that no man is a stranger and no country is a foreign country. All men are the same wherever we go, and all countries are like our own country.

Question 2.
What according to the poet, are we doing when we hate others?
According to the poet, we should remember that whenever we are told to hate our brothers, it is ourselves that we shall hate, dispossess, betray, and condemn.

Question 3.
What are the two bad effects of war? Read lines 16 to 19 and answer.
If we fight or war against each other it affects the earth and air. The two bad effects are

  1. The earth and air will become impure.
  2. Hatredness between brothers increases.

Read and Write:

C2. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write:

Question 1.
How do you think we are all treated alike by nature?
Nature has given the same physical features and mental abilities to all the people living on earth. It has provided all the natural resources like sun, air and water to the people. People work hard to cultivate lands and produce food in all parts of the world. In each and every part of the earth people lead a common life. There is no discrimination in nature.

Question 2.
Read the third stanza carefully. What message does the poet want to convey to us?
People living in different parts of the earth do have eyes like ours – the eyes that help us to wake up in the morning and sleep at night. They have the ability to love and bring about oneness among people. We can see people living a common life wherever we go. Therefore, we should develop a sense of equality and brotherhood among ourselves.

Question 3.
Do you agree with the poet that we should wage no war? How do you justify that?
Yes, all should agree with the poet. Because war gives way for hatred ness only. There is no end for this so we should not wage war. The poet mentions in the following line. “To hate our brothers, it is ourselves that I shall dispossess, betray, condemn. It is the j human earth that we defile. Our hells of fire I and dust outrage the innocence of air that an everywhere our own.

Question 4.
Some are of the opinion that the poet might have written this poem after witnessing the bad effects of the Second i World War. Mention some of the lines in the poem to support that opinion
The opinion of people about the time of writing this poem might be true. The following lines have a reference to soldiers, war, and its evil effects:

  1. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
  2. Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter started
  3. Remember, we who take arms against each other
  4. Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence.

Question 5.
Briefly describe how a war spoils everything.
People living in different parts of the earth have isolated themselves on the basis of colour, race, creed, language and country. Though they are all human beings basically, they wage war against one another in the name of race, religion and other factors. Each country wants to establish supremacy over the others.

As a result there is mass destruction. With the use of modern weaponry, lakhs of people are killed, their homes, fertile lands are reduced to ashes. If we recall the devastating effects of the Second World War, we can realize that war brings a lot of misery to the people.

No Men are Foreign Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What does a peaceful harvest refer to?
Peaceful harvest refers to peacetime and the prosperity one has in times of peace.

Question 3.
What are the hells of fire and dust? What do they destroy?
Hells of fire and dust are the fire, smoke, and dust from bombs and gunfire. They pollute the air which was given by God to all in pristine purity. The poet reminds us that we have no right to spoil what is commonly owned by all children of God.

Question 5.
What does the poet emphasise by beginning and ending the poem with the same line?
When a word, phrase, clause, or sentence is repeated, the repetition is for the emphasis. The poet’s intention is to drive home the truth that thinking of people of foreign countries as strangers is an unnecessary man-made barrier that should be broken.

Question 7.
War is the enemy of our environment. How?
When we fight a war and use dreadful weapons against others, we pollute our environment with the dust and the smoke of the guns.

Question 9.
What happens when war breaks out?
When we wage war and use dreadful weapons against, others, we defile our own earth. The dust and smoke of guns pollute the very air we breathe.

Question 11.
What are the evils of war, according to the poet?
The poet advises people to shun hatred and warfare. The poet says that during peace, people enjoy the harvests and prosper, whereas during war people experience distress and scarcity of food. He further says that when we hate others, we actually rob, deceive and condemn ourselves. When we fight against others we defile the purity of our own earth. The fire and smoke from the weapons of war poison the air which we all breathe and is essential for our existence.


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours; the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.

  1. Who is the narrator in the poem? To whom is the poem – addressed?
  2. What is there beneath all uniforms?
  3. Who are referred to as brothers?


  1. The narrator in the poem is a person who believes in the idea of universal brotherhood. He addresses other Citizens of the world.
  2. Beneath the uniforms all men are the same, they are all creations of God, breathing alike.
  3. Brothers are fellow human beings.

Question 3.
They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d.
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
Labour not different from our own.

  1. Who are ‘they’ that are mentioned in the extract?
  2. What are peaceful harvests?
  3. In what way is starvation associated with winter?
  4. What is meant by, ‘Their hands are ours’?


  1. ‘They’ refers to foreigners.
  2. Peaceful harvest refers to peacetime and the prosperity one has in times of peace.
  3. Wintertime is associated with cessation of activity and end of productivity. The time of war is as bleak as the time of winter. Life comes to a standstill and people die of starvation at the time of war.
  4. When the poet says, “Their hands are ours”, he means to suggest the idea that people all over the world work in the same manner as their aspirations are the same.

Question 5.
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
A labour not different from our own.
Remember, they have eyes like ours that wake
Or sleep, and strength that can be won
By love. In every land is common life
That all can recognize and understand.

  1. Why does the poet allude to the similarity of hands of all human beings?
  2. Why does the poet say that human ‘strength’ can be won by love?
  3. What do you mean by common life? flow is it the same everywhere?
  4. What is the message conveyed by the poet?


  1. People living in other countries have the same hands as we. They, too, are destined to labour for earning their livelihood as we are.
  2. The poet wants to say that love has the emotional strength and power to subdue the most powerful person in the world.
  3. The poet means to say that people all over the world lead a common life. Life is the same everywhere because people all over the world wake up and sleep in the same manner.
  4. The poet conveys a message of universal brotherhood.

Question 7.
Remember, we who take arms against each other It is the human earth that we defile.
Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence Of air that is everywhere our own.
Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.

  1. What are the harmful effects of waging war against others?
  2. What are the hells of fire and dust? What do they destroy?
  3. What is the innocence of air? How is it defiled?
  4. How is war the enemy of our environment?


  1. When we wage war and use dreadful weapons against others, we defile our own earth. The dust and smoke of guns pollute the very air we breathe.
  2. Hells of fire and dust are the fire, smoke and dust from bombs and gunfire. They pollute the air which was given by God to all in pristine purity. The poet reminds us that we have no right to spoil what is commonly owned by all children of god.
  3. Innocence of air is the purity of air. It is defiled by the guns and bombs used in wars. In other words, the innocence of air is spoilt by the wickedness of man. The poet seems to suggest that all gifts of God are pure and any act of defilement is evil.
  4. When we fight war and use dreadful weapons against others, we pollute our environment with the dust and the smoke of the guns.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate one.

Question 1.
The poem ‘No Men are Foreign’ is written by
A) James Kirkup
B) Henry Wotton
C) Isaac Watts
D) Sarojini Naidu
A) James Kirkup

Question 3.
‘Hells of fire and dust’refer to
A) destruction of hell
B) fire, smoke and dust from bombs and gunfire
C) the burning down of hell
D) war that takes place in hell.
B) fire, smoke and dust from bombs and gunfire

Question 5.
The force that can win over others’ strength is
A) war
B) love
C) hatred
D) peaceful harvests
B) love

Question 7.
If we take up arms against each other
A) there will be war
B) there will be destruction
C) there will be fire and dust in hell
D) we defile the earth
D) we defile the earth

No Men are Foreign Poem Summary in English

The authors intended to write this poem is universal brotherhood. According to him all men in the universe are the same and equal. So he is asking us to behave that nobody is stranger and no country is foreign because ail are alike. Though we all look different, we are all having same body. Similarly, the earth where we live and die is same. The Sun, air, and water are all same. We should live with peace it brings prosperity. War brings adversity, it means great suffering for long time. All hands are same and the lines in tire hands are also same. The labor is also not different.

We should remember that all are having same eyes with which we can sleep or awake. We can won all by love. All things should be possible by love. In every way life is common. That all can recognize and understand.

We should remember that whenever we are star hate our brothers, it is our fault. We have no right to condemn others. At the same time we have no right to look down upon anybody or discriminate, against anybody on any grounds. The poet makes a strong plea against the evils of war. By taking up arms, men violate the sanctity of the earth, polluting it with not only dust and smoke, but also hatred. Men must learn to develop a feeling of universal brotherhood. Men must learn that no man is stranger and no country is foreign.

No Men are Foreign Poem Summary in Kannada


The main aim is to provide quality education for the students of Class 8 English Karnataka State Board Solutions. Class 8 is very important for the students in their careers. We hope the information provided in this KSEEB Solutions Class 8 English Chapter 3 No Men are Foreign Questions and Answers is satisfactory for all. Bookmark our site to get the latest information about the solutions.

Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Poem Chapter 2 The Little Busy Bee – KSEEB Solutions


Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Poem Chapter 2 The Little Busy Bee Question and Answers are prepared according to the latest academic syllabus. So refer to our Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions to score good marks in the exams. Tap the link and Download KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Little Busy Bee to cover all the topics.

The Little Busy Bee Poem Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

With the help of the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2 The Little Busy Bee Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary you can get an idea about the subject. Also we suggest the students keep the textbook aside to learn the subject in depth.

C1. Answer the following questions. Share your response with others :

Question 1.
Who is the poet speaking about?
The poet was speaking about the busy bee.

Question 2.
Why does the bee sit on the flower?
The beet sits on the flower to collect nectar and afterward the nectar changes in to sweet honey.

Question 3.
How does the bee build her cell?
The bees are very clever and build the (hive) cell by using wax which secretes from its body. The cells are uniform and beautiful. Bees build it skillfully.

Question 4.
‘I would be busy too’. Who does ‘I’ refer to?
Here I refer to the poet himself

Question 5.
What does ‘sweet food’ mean in the context?
In the context the ‘sweet food’ means honey.

Question 6.
Who does Satan manage to work through?
Satan manages to work through idle people and bring about destruction.

C2. Pick out the best alternative for each of the following statements:

Question 1.
People like the bee because
a. it is clever
b. it sits on the opening flower.
c. it works hard
d. they get honey from it.
d. they get honey from it.

Question 2.
And labors hard to store it well.
Here it refers to
a. the bee
b. the honey
c. the wax
d. the flower
b. the honey

Read And Write :

C3. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then Write:

Question 1.
Why does the poet call the bee busy?
The bee is always working from morning to evening. They collect the honey from the flowers and store it well in the hive. They are not idle and do not spend time wastefully. So the poet calls the bee busy.

Question 2.
‘Let my first years be passed”.

  1.  What does ‘first years’ refer to?
  2. How does the poet want to spend his first years?
  3.  Why does he want to do so?


  1. Here the’ first years’ refers to the early life of the poet, which means his boyhood.
  2. The poet wanted to spend his first years reading books, working or playing.
  3. He wanted to do so because it gives fruit at the end of life.

Question 3.
How can you say that the bee is intelligent and clever?
The bee builds its hive very skillfully. The hive is beautiful to see and it has hundreds of compartments. It is strong and made up of wax, that is secreted in its body. It converts nectar into honey, which is sweet and healthy. So the poet says that the bee is intelligent and clever.

Question 4.
What is admirable about the work of the bee?
The Bee-hive is very beautiful to see but it is very complicated to build. The skill of build¬ing the hive and conversion of nectar to Honey are admirable works of the bee.

Question 5.
Why does the poet want us to be like the bee?
The poet wants us to be like the bee because the bee is useful to society We should also be helpful to society by doing good and useful work.

Question 6.
Why should we not keep ourselves idle? What will happen if we are idle?
We should not keep our selves idle because Satan finds some mischief and rums our life.

Question 7.
What is the message of the poem?
The message of the poem is ‘Kayakave Kailasa’ means we should a way to do the good and useful work.

Question 8.
Which lines do you like the best in the poem? Give reasons for your choice.
How doth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour: These are the best lines in the poem because the little bee is always busy and make use of its time. It builds beautiful hives and collects honey, which is useful to man. Honey never gets spoils.

Question 9.
Pick out the rhyming words in the poem and add more words to each of the rhyming pairs.
The Rhyming words in the poem are shining opening, busy-honey, hour-flower, bee-tee, cell -well, skill- still, too-do, play-day.

The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary in English

The bee is known for its work. Always it. works, so it is identified as a busy bee. It builds the hive very skillfully and stores sweet honey in it. The poet’s intention is, like the bee, we too must be busy and always do useful work.

How does the little busy bee work? It makes | good use of time. It starts work when the sun I rise i.e. in a shining hour. The worker bee starts j its work by collecting Honey from all the blooming flowers. All the bees collect nectar and carry it to the hive. The female worker bees are the only j bees that make nectar into honey.

The bees build their cell very skillfully, spread j their wax neatly and work hard to store honey in the cell. The poet speaks about himself and wants us to be like a busy bee in our work. We should! not be tempted to be idle or sit around doing | nothing. Satan in the poem refers to the devil, or some evil being who injures the idle person.

The poet wants to spend his boyhood day by reading good books, playing and doing some good and useful work. Every human being could be. busy like bee and do useful work. Bees build their hives skillfully. We too should do the work with our efficient skills.

The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary in Kannada


The main aim is to provide quality education for the students of Class 8 English Karnataka State Board Solutions. Class 8 is very important for the students in their careers. We hope the information provided in this KSEEB Solutions Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Little Busy Bee Questions and Answers is satisfactory for all. Bookmark our site to get the latest information about the solutions.

Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Poem Chapter 1 Beauty – KSEEB Solutions


Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Poem Chapter 1 Beauty Question and Answers are prepared according to the latest academic syllabus. So refer to our Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions to score good marks in the exams. Tap the link and Download KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 1 Beauty to cover all the topics.

Beauty Poem Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

With the help of the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1 Beauty Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary you can get an idea about the subject. Also we suggest the students keep the textbook aside to learn the subject in depth.

C1. Answer the following questions. Share your response with others:

Question 1.
List out the things where beauty can be seen during the day.
The poet has a simple idea of beauty. She says that beauty can be seen in the sunlight, trees, and birds as well as in corn growing, people working or people dancing for the harvest. This is an original idea of beauty.

Question 2.
The poet says ‘beauty is heard in the night’. Pick out any two things of beauty from the poem that are seen at night.
In the second stanza, the poet talks about how beauty can be heard. Beauty can be heard at night when the wind sighs and when the rain falls and when a singer sings in earnest from the depth of his heart.

Question 3.
Read the first and second stanzas of the poem again. Note the following phrases. Corn growing, peopleworking or dancing, wind sighing, rain falling, a singer chanting..
These could be written as

  1. Corn that is growing
  2. People who are working or dancing.

Can you rewrite the other phrases like this? Why do you think the poet uses the shorter phrases?
The other phrases in the poem are
wind sighing — Wind that is sighing,
rain falling — the rain that is falling
singer chanting — the singer who is chanting
The poetess uses shorter phrases to give stress or emotional feeling.

Question 4.
The Poet says ‘Beauty is seen’ and ‘Beauty is heard’. List out the beautiful things you have seen or heard.
There are beautiful things to be seen all around us. From a blade of grass to a banyan tree, from an ant to a mammoth, from the laughing, innocent face of a child to the chuckling, wrinkled visage of an old man, there is beauty in the world of nature and in the world of men. There is also beauty in the monuments built by men, machines produced by men, and artifacts made by men.

Similarly, there is beauty in many things that we get to hear. From the natural sounds in nature to the sound of musical instruments and the voice of men, there is beauty that can be heard. It could be the chirping of birds, gurgling sound of rivers, trumpeting of elephants; it could be the tender sound of a child, delicate voice of a woman, the mature resonance of an old man. There is beauty all around us in abundance.

Question 5.
The poet says ‘Beauty is in yourself.’ What things does she mention here? When does she want us to follow them?
Beauty is in ourselves. That is in our good deeds, happy thoughts. These all repeat themselves in our dreams, in our work, and in our rest.

Question 6.
Write a paragraph about beauty. You can use your own ideas along with the ideas in the poem.(You may discuss with your partner)
The saying ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ shows that the perception of beauty is subjective. The Keatsian sentiment ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’ argues that beauty transcends time. There is also the saying that beauty is skin deep. Here, the idea is that physical beauty is transitory and fades- away as time passes and age catches. It is clear that there are different ideas of beauty. My idea of beauty is to have a beautiful mind that does not allow anything of beauty, whether natural or manmade, to be destroyed.

Question 7.
The phrase wind sighing’ is personification. Give two more examples of personification. You may take the help of your teacher.
Rain falling, Happy thoughts are examples of Personification.

Beauty Poem Summary in English

The poetess describes beauty’ in this poem. She is trying to tell us that beauty is everything in life. Beauty can be seen in the sunlight, the trees, the birds, corn growing, people working, dancing and singing in their harvest, wherever we see, the beauty is there.

We can hear the beauty in the night that is sighing wind, falling raindrops, chanting melodious hymns and anything serious and sincere.

We can see the beauty in ourselves. That is good deeds, happy memorable thoughts childhood, repeated thoughts in our dreams, in our work and even in our rest. Beauty is God and God is beauty.

Beauty Poem Summary in Kannada


The main aim is to provide quality education for the students of Class 8 English Karnataka State Board Solutions. Class 8 is very important for the students in their careers. We hope the information provided in this KSEEB Solutions Class 8 English Chapter 1 Beauty Questions and Answers is satisfactory for all. Bookmark our site to get the latest information about the solutions.

Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 Luther Burbank – KSEEB Solutions


Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 Luther Burbank Questions and Answers are prepared according to the latest academic syllabus. So refer to our Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions to score good marks in the exams. Tap the link and Download KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 Luther Burbank to cover all the topics.

Luther Burbank Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

With the help of the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 8 Luther Burbank Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary you can get an idea about the subject. Also we suggest the students keep the textbook aside to learn the subject in depth.

C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner

Question 1.
Name the fields in which Luther Burbank’s influence prevails.
Luther Burbank’s influence prevails in the scientific community among the people who work in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, forestry and livestock.

Question 2.
When was Luther Burbank born?
Luther Burbank was born on 7th March 1849.

Question 3.
What was Luther Burbank’s goal in life?
Luther Burbank’s goal in life was to grow and grafting new varieties of fruits and vegetables.

Question 4.
Name the book that helped Burbank to decide on his goal of life.
The book that helped him to decide on his goal of life was Darwin’s “Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication”.

Question 5.
Mention the name of the new variety of potato grown by Burbank.
The name of the new variety of Potato plant grown by him was “Idaho Potato”.

Question 6.
How was the weather in the State of California?
The weather in the State of California was mild, and the soil was rich and varied.

Question 7.
How many varieties of fruits did Burbank grow on an acre of his farm?
An acre on his form Burbank grew several thousand different varieties of fruits. He grew 526 different types of apples on the same tree.

Question 8.
What is grafting?
Grafting and budding are horticultural techniques used to join parts from two or more plants so that they appear to grow as a single plant. In grafting, the upper part (scion) of one plant grows on the root system (rootstock) of another plant.

C2. Which of the following things was Burbank able to do because of his e experimentation. Tick off (√)against true statements and an (X) against others.

  1. growing hundreds of varieties of apples — (✓)
  2. spending 15 years for a tree to bear fruits — (✗)
  3. Making a young plant yield fruit in a year or two — (✗)
  4. growing about 526 varieties of apples in an acre of his farm — (✗)

Read and Write :
C3. Read and Writes

Question 1.
How did Burbank’s genius benefit the life of the common man?
A common man’s day-to-day life has been greatly affected by Burbank’s genius. He developed an improved cherry, a thornless blackberry, a thornless cactus now used as fodder for livestock, and a peach tree that can tolerate freezing temperature. He developed seventy-three new flowers including the Shasta Daisy and a rose.

Question 2.
Why did Burbank more from Massachusetts to California?
Burbank realized that the climate of his native place was not suitable for his work. The weather in the State of California was mild; the soil was rich and varied. So, he moved to ‘Santa Rosa’ in California.

Question 3.
What did Burbank call his new home? Why?
He called his new home as “The chosen spot” because the climate and the soil were most suitable for his experiment as far as nature was concerned.

Question 4.
How did grafting help Burbank in his experimentation?
He was able to grow several thousands of different varieties of fruits. His wonderful achievements were made possible by grafting many twigs on a single tree. In this manner, he was able to grow 526 different types of apples on the same tree. It was possible to save space to grow that the plants get fruits in just 2-3 years. Like this, the grafting helped Burbank in his experimentation.

Question 5.
In what way did Burbank save space and speed up his experiments?
Burbank grafted many twigs on a single tree. In this manner, he was able to grow 526 different types of apples on the same tree. By this method, it was possible for him to save space to speed up his experiments.

Question 6.
What were Burbank’s experiments on cherry, blackberry, cactus, and Shasta daisy?
Burbank conducted experiments on growing different varieties of cherry on a single tree. He caused desert cactus to grow a thousand times faster. He developed an improved cherry, a thornless Blackcherry, a Cactus without thorns. He developed 73 new flowers including the Shasta Daisy and a rose.

C4. Write a paragraph on each of the following.

Question 1.
Write a note of Burbank’s early life.
Luther Burbank is a well known U.S. plant breeder. He was born on 7th March 1849 He was brought up on a farm in the state of Massachusetts. He was attracted to the wonders of nature and learned the techniques of growing various crops and plants during his early years. When he was 21 years old, he started market gardening and was successful.

Question 2.
Describe the three techniques on which Burbank’s experiments were based.
Luther Burbank’s experiments were based on three basic techniques. First, he would collect a variety of domestic plants and bring in many foreign varieties of plants. He would grow them under different conditions. These plants would prove to be strong, plentiful, and sometimes showed new qualities and other desirable changes.

Secondly, he grew many varieties of fruits, flowers, and vegetables by changing water, food supply, temperature, light or space. He even crossed plants to produce plants with dissimilar traits and variations. Lastly, after the production of different varieties, he would choose the plants that showed desirable changes. He would also use them for further experimentation.

Question 3.
How did Burbank react when some of the efforts ended in failure?
Burbank set up a nursery garden, greenhouse, and experimental farms in Santa Rosa, California. He conducted more than 10,000 experiments with 600 different kinds of plants. Many of his experiments were failures. Once he crossed a tomato with a potato. He was able to grow a vegetable, but it was not of any use. When he failed, he was not disappointed. He had patience, perseverance, and devotion that nothing could dishearten him.


VI. Look at the following phrase and see how the two words go together. They are callocative words.

  1. Sunny weather
  2. smiling face
  3. hard-working scientist
  4. improved cherry.

Now fill in the blanks with the most appropriate describing words given in the box below. For a few, you may have more than one combination.

  1. Scientific community rich community.
  2. desert soil
  3. white blackberry
  4. thornless cactus.
  5. successful attempt
  6. commercial value.
  7. rich community

V2. Give below are some names. Classify them into categories of flowers, fruits, and vegetables you may consult a dictionary/encyclopedia if you need it.

Fruits Vegetables Flowers
black berry
water melon
desert cactus
Shasta daisy

Drunken Monkey KungFu Scares Village:

  1. Chikkanayakanahalli: A monkey, addicted to alcohol and often attacking people, is scaring the wits out of the residents of Shettykere, a village here.
  2. The monkey was first noticed in the village a month ago. It has taken a liking for alcohol, perhaps due to some mischievous alcohol addicts in the villages initiating it into drinking. It is now addicted to the brew and often gets high. It has also become indiscriminate in its eating habits and has put on weight and become aggressive.
  3. Once inebriated, the monkey begins harassing passerby and even attacking them. The aggressive monkey scares even a large crowd. So far, it has attacked at 30 persons, injured many of them. Even dogs are among its victims.
  4. The monkey, which has made the bus terminal its home, snatches traveler’ bags and their belongings. Anyone resisting it is attacked.
  5. But pious, if not cowardly they are, the residents see it an incarnation of Hanuman, the monkey god, and worship it, but their piety is wearing thin, and they want someone to get rid of the rowdy Simian.


Question 1.
Where and when was the drunken monkey noticed first?
The monkey was first noticed in the village of Shettykere, a month ago.

Question 2.
How did addiction affect the monkey? (see paragraph 2)
The monkey often gets high and it has also become indiscriminate in its eating habits and has put on weight and become aggressive after addiction of alcohol.

Question 3.
You may have come across new words in the news report. The words used, meanings and paragraph numbers in which they appear are given. Find out and write them in the blanks provided,

  1. attacking — (P3) aggressive
  2. takes away — (P4) snatches
  3. Avatar — (P5) incarnation
  4. troubling — (P6) harassing
  5. monkey — (P5) Simian

Question 4.
Match the phrases with their meanings:

1. Scaring the wit out of making one very afraid
2. getting high being over drunk
3. wearing thin Vanishing
4. getting rid of Avoiding
5. feeling very difficult to going up the hill do something

B Grammar:
The Passive Voice
Task. Match the names in the left-hand column with the discoveries/invention/composition etc, in the right-hand column. Then write sentences in both active and passive voice using the agent and appropriate verb.

  1. Kalidasa — Geeta Govinda
  2. Jayadeva — Shakuntala
  3. Tagore — Film ‘Tare Zameen par’
  4. Amir Khan — Jai Ho
  5. Gulzar — Harry Potter
  6. J.K. Rowling — Geethanjali
  7. Galileo — Telescope.

e.g.Galileo invented the telescope. The telescope was invented by Galileo

  1. Kalidasa wrote Shakuntala
    Shakuntala was written by Kalidasa.
  2. Jayadeva wrote Geeta Govinda.
    Geeta Govinda was written by Jayadeva
  3. Tagore wrote the National Anthem.
    The National Anthem was written by Tagore.
  4. Amir Khan directed the film ‘Tare Zameen
    Par The film “Tare Zameen Par’ was directed by Amir Khan
  5. Gulzar penned Jai Ho.
    Jai Ho was penned by Gulzar
  6. J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter Series.
    The Harry Potter series was written by J.K. Rowling

Task 1.
An outline of a story is given below. Complete the story supplying the required words and phrases.

A cap seller on his way to market stopped under a huge tree. The day was very hot and he lay in the cool shade of a huge tree. He soon took a nap beside his basket of caps. When he woke up, to his horror, he found the basket empty. He thinks they are stolen. However, soon he hears some noises above and when he looks up, he finds monkeys with caps on.

The cap seller makes desperate efforts to recover the caps. When he does not succeed, hopelessness, he, at last, snatches his own cap off his head and throws it down. To his luck, the monkeys do the same and the relieved cap seller picks up the caps and leaves the place feeling happy.

Task 2.
Expand any one of the following proverbs into 5 or 6 sentences of your own.

  1. A stitch in time saves nine.
  2. Jack of all trades, master of none
  3. Prevention is better than cure
  4. Where there is a will, there is a way.
  5. All that glitters is not gold.
  6. Self -assessment.

Luther Burbank Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who was Luther Burbank?
Luther Burbank was a well known U.S. plant breeder.

Question 2.
How was he able to produce the ‘Idaho Potato’?
Burbank planted 29 seeds from an early rose potato plant. He produced a new variety of seeds. Its superior quality made it very popular among the local farmers. Today, this potato is called Idaho potato. Even to this day it is grown on thousands of acres in North-western U.S.

Question 3.
How is Burbank’s work equated to present-day miracles in science and technology?
In the present times, miracles are happening in steel mills, the automobile industry, markets of commerce and industry, and so on. But, Burbank experimented with the simple elements of nature to produce desirable changes and effects. Hence, his works are as remarkable as the production of shiny cars, bridges, tunnels, etc.

Multiple Choice Questions

Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate one.

Question 1.
Luther Burbank is a well known
A) plant breeder
B) gardener
C) physicist
D) agriculturist
A) plant breeder

Question 2.
When Burbank was 21 years old, he started
A) animal husbandry
B) market gardening
C) cattle rearing
D) livestock farming
B) market gardening

Question 3.
Burbank moved from his native place to the state of California because
A) California was more suitable for his work
B) there were no farms in California
C) only California was suitable for growing vegetables
D) varieties of plants were available there
A) California was more suitable for his work

Question 4.
According to Burbank, the production of this fruit/vegetable was a paradox
A) Cherry
B) Idaho potato
C) White blackberry
D) Peach
C) White blackberry

Question 5.
How did Burbank get fruits in just two or three years?
A) By grafting seeds from a young plant to a fruit-bearing tree
B) By grafting fruits from a young plant to a fruit-bearing tree
C) By grafting a twig from a young plant to a fruit-bearing tree
D) By crossing plants that had dissimilar qualities
C) By grafting a twig from a young plant to a fruit-bearing tree

Luther Burbank Summary in English

What does the world call a man who turned the yellow flower into red, who made the seeds of plums disappear, desert cactus to grow a thousand times faster, made blackberry into white, who grew 500 different kinds of cherries on one tree? Was he a master gardener or a miracle-working magician.

Fie has been awarded many title, but he was so simple, hardworking scientist.

The products of his genius continue to play a part in the day-to-day lives of people throughout the world. His most important contribution is a lovely flower that never existed before him.

He was born on 7th March 1849. Fie was attracted towards the wonders of nature and learned the techniques of growing various crops. After reading Darwin’s book, he decided to devote his life to grow new varieties of plants.

He started market gardening at the age of 21. He was successful in selling high-quality vegetable. He planted 29 seeds from an early rose potato plant and produced superior quality up to today. This potato is called “Idaho Potato”, it is grown on thousands of acres in North-Western U.S.

He moved to the State of California at the age of 26, because his native place was not suitable for his work. He carried on his experimental and original work on plants for more than half a century on “Santa Rosa” near San Francisco. He described his new home as “The Chosen Spot” of all this earth as for as nature was concerned.

The three basic techniques of his experiments arc
1. collect different kinds of domestic plants and bring in many foreign varieties of plants, when they were grown under different conditions, they would prove strong, plentiful or hard, show other desirable changes.

2. He grew many varieties of fruits, flowers and vegetables by changing water, food, temperature, light or space variations were achieved by crossing plants, which had very dissimilar qualities.

3. He could recognize and select the plants which showed desirable changes. He could also choose them for further experiments.

Thus he was successful to produce a white blackberry and he called it the paradox. The pile of rejected seedlings measured 12 ft high, 14 ft wide,‘22 ft long and had contained 65,000 berry bushes. Among them he decided to keep for further study was less than 2 dozen.

He was able to grow 526 different types of apples on the same tree, ft was possible for him not only to save space but also to speed up his experiments. His experimented plants took only 2-3 years to yield fruits instead of 15 years.

He carried out more than 10,000 separate experiments with 600 different kinds of plants. He developed an improve cherry, a thornless blackberry, a cactus without thorns used as food for livestock and a peach tree that can withstand freezing weather. He delighted flower lovers with 73 new flowers, Shasta Daisy and a rose that bears his name.

Many of his efforts ended in failure. The crossing of tomato with potato was failed. But his devotion was so deep and strong that nothing could disappoint him. Miracles were happening in all the field like in steel mills, automobiles and markets of commerce and industry. Burbank’s discoveries are also as remarkable as the shiny cars, bridges, tunnels and singing wires.

Luther Burbank Summary in Kannada


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Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 7 The Emperor’s New Clothes – KSEEB Solutions


Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 7 The Emperor’s New Clothes Questions and Answers are prepared according to the latest academic syllabus. So refer to our Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions to score good marks in the exams. Tap the link and Download KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 7 The Emperor’s New Clothes to cover all the topics.

The Emperor’s New Clothes Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

With the help of the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 7 The Emperor’s New Clothes Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary you can get an idea about the subject. Also we suggest the students keep the textbook aside to learn the subject in depth.

01. Some statements are given below. Some are true and some are false. Tick ‘off’ ‘T’ or ‘F’ before them. Also, indicate the scene number in which you can find your answer.

  1. I want tailors who will make me magic clothes — True (S – 1)
  2. We require a large quantity of the finest silk and the purest gold thread. — True (S – 1)
  3. I shall wear the new clothes in the coronation that I am expected to lead — True (S – 1)
  4. Only the gentlemen who are fit for their jobs can see the cloth — True (S – 1)
  5. I must send my special Assistant to see what is happening here — True – (S – 2)
  6. The courtiers showed great surprise to see the Emperor. — True (S – 4)
  7. When the Emperor reached the balcony there was pin-drop silence — True (S – 4)

C2. Some important events in the play are given in a jumbled order, Put them in the order in which they are in the text.

Question 1.
The Emperor wears new clothes and walks towards the balcony.
The Emperor is fond of wearing new clothes.

Question 2.
The Chief Adviser visits the looms to inspect weaving.
The Emperor wants a different set of clothes.

Question 3.
The Special Assistant pays a visit to see how the weavers are preparing the new clothes.
He orders to find a new tailor to stitch his clothes.

Question 4.
The Emperor is fond of wearing new clothes
The two tailors visit the palace

Question 5.
He orders to find a new tailor to stitch his clothes.
The Chief Adviser visits the looms to inspect weaving

Question 6.
The Emperor wants a different set of clothes.
The Special Assistant pays a visit to see how the weavers are preparing the new clothes.

Question 7.
The two tailors visit the palace.
The Emperor wears new clothes and walks towards the balcony.

Question 8.
A little child cricks out that the Emperor has no clothes on and he is as naked as a baby.
A little child cries out that the Emperor has no clothes on and he is as naked a baby.

C3. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate one.

Question 1.
The Emperor was fond of ………….
a. Hunting wild animals
b. attending processions
c. Wearing new clothes
d. weaving soft silk
c. Wearing new clothes

Question 2.
The tailors who came to the Emperor palace claimed that they were
a. great tailors
b. ordinary tailors
c. special tailors
d. magic tailors
d. magic tailors

Question 3.
The weavers told the Emperor that they required …………..
a. The finest silk and the purest gold thread
b. the finest cotton and silver thread
c. the costliest diamond and muslin cloth
d. gems and copper thread
a. The finest silk and the purest gold thread

Question 4.
According to the weavers, the clothes made by them could be seen by ………….
a. gentlemen unfit for their jobs
b. fools unfit for their jobs
c. wise men fit for their jobs
d. people unfit for wearing them.
c. wise men fit for their jobs

Question 5.
Who cried out with laughter that the king was as naked as a baby?
a. the Chief Adviser
b. the first weaver
c. a child
d. the special assistant
c. a child

Read and Write:

C4. Read and discuss your responses with уоur partner. Then write

Question 1.
Why was the Emperor not able to give much time to the business of his kingdom?
Every day the Emperor spent many hours trying out new clothes. Therefore he was not able to give much time to the business of his kingdom.

Question 2.
Why did the Emperor want a new set of clothes every day?
The Emperor was very much fond of new clothes every day. To him, new clothes are more than anything else in the world.

Question 3.
What did the Chief Adviser tell the Emperor about the two weavers?
The Chief Adviser said that the two weavers were magic tailors. They had learned a secret method of making the finest silk cloth and the most beautiful clothes from that cloth. They were waiting to see him since the previous day.

Question 4.
What did two weavers say about the magic way of making beautiful silk cloth?
The two weavers explained about the magic way. The silk cloth is finely woven with many rich colors and attractive patterns. That type of dress can be worn by only the great emperors like him.

Question 5.
What did the two weavers say about the magic cloth be different from the ordinary clothes that people wear?
That is magic clothes, only wise men can see but fools will not be able to see. Only those who are clever and fit for their jobs will see and those who are foolish and unfit for their work will not see. Like this, it is different from ordinary clothes.

Question 6.
Why did the Emperor think that the weavers had given him an excellent idea?
The Emperor thought that he will not only get a new set of clothes but he would be able to find out or judge who are fit or not for their post. So he felt it was an excellent idea.

Question 7.
What conditions did the weavers lay down for starting the work?
The weavers required a large quantity of finest silk, the purest gold thread, and several jewels before starting their work.

Question 8.
How did the two weavers start their work on the two looms?
The two weavers worked on the looms pretending to weave. Before that, they put all the fine silk, golden thread, and jewels in their bags and kept it secretly. But they didn’t put anything on the loom.

Question 9.
Why was the Chief Adviser greatly surprised when he first saw them working?
The Chief Adviser saw that the two weavers seem to be working very hard. They were pretending to weave, but nothing was there on the loom. So he was greatly surprised.

Question 10.
How did the weavers try to confuse the Chief Adviser?
The Chief Adviser came into the room to find out how the weavers were getting along with their work. He did not see any cloth on the looms. The weavers welcomed him, took him near the loom and started describing the pattern of the cloth which was actually not there. They said it had dark red and sky blue colours on the gold background. The Chief Adviser got more and more confused. But, he agreed with the weavers out of fear that he would be considered a fool and an unfit officer.

Question 11.
What made the Chief Adviser feel worried about his own fitness for the post he was holding?
The Chief Adviser did not see anything on the looms. The weavers confused him saying that there was cloth with beautiful patterns and colours. He remembered that the weavers had said only the wise, clever, and fit people could see the magic cloth. This thought made him worried about his own fitness.

Question 12.
What was the terrible experience of the Adviser’s Special Assistant?
The weavers showed him the imaginary cloth which they had been pretending to be weaving. The Special Assistant was also confused. He had been told that the weavers had done a good job. The thought of his own foolishness and inability to not seeing the cloth made him consider his experience as terrible. He decided to keep the secret to himself.

Question 13.
How did the two weavers pretend to make the Emperor’s new clothes and help him wear them?
The weavers kept everything given to them in their bags. They pretended to work on the looms on the imaginary cloth. They confused the Chief Adviser and the Special Assistant with the description of the magic cloth. Then, they came to the Emperor pretending as if they were carrying clothes. The weavers requested the Emperor to go into the dressing room. The King removed the clothes he was wearing. The weavers pretended as if they were dressing the Emperor. Finally, there was very little cloth on the Emperor’s body.

Question 14.
Why did the Chief Adviser request the Emperor to show himself on the balcony?
The Chief Adviser requested the Emperor to show himself to the people before the procession sets out. Because they were waiting to see their emperor in a new dress for long hours. The Emperor would come to the balcony to please them.

Question 15.
What was the Emperor’s reply to his request?
The Emperor was so happy and agreed to his request and told after dressing he would come definitely.

Question 16.
How did the courtiers behave when the Emperor walked towards the balcony almost naked?
The Courtiers show great surprise to see the Emperor having little clothes on his body. But no one says the truth.

Question 17.
What happened when the Emperor reached the balcony ?
When the Emperor reached the balcony, cheers stop all of a sudden and there is pin-drop silence. But the little child crying out with laughter said that the Emperor had no clothes on his body and did the king become so poor that he had no money to buy clothes.

C5. Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph.

Question 1.
The Emperor has been described as proud and foolish. But he has another serious weakness which is shown in his behavior towards his Chief Adviser. Write a paragraph describing the Emperor’s character.
The Emperor had a great weakness for clothes. He liked clothes more than anything else in the world. He wanted new clothes every day. He would spend a lot of time in his dressing room trying out new clothes. He was angry with the Chief Adviser for not getting him the best clothes. He thought the clothes he had were not fit for an Emperor. He decided to banish all the tailors from his kingdom because they were all worthless in his opinion. He wanted new clothes and new clothes only.

Question 2.
Imagine you are the child who laughed at the King at the end of the story. Narrate the scene to your friends, and write the narration.
My father and I went to see the procession of the Emperor yesterday. Many people had gathered on both sides of the road. People were shouting ‘Long live the Emperor’, ‘Long live the Emperor’. The children were singing and laughing. It was a festive atmosphere. We were all eagerly waiting for the Emperor’s arrival. We were told the Emperor was getting into new clothes. He took a long time to come out.

Finally, he stepped out onto the balcony. It was a funny sight. People were shocked to see the Emperor. They stopped cheering. There was pin-drop silence. The Emperor was not wearing any clothes at all. He was as naked as a baby. I could not control myself. I laughed aloud and told my father that the Emperor was naked. All of us laughed at the funny sight. The Emperor was ashamed to stand before us. He ran back into his dressing room.

Question 3.
The weavers tricked the Emperor. Do you think what they did was right?
Yes, what the weavers did was right. The Emperor was proud and foolish. In addition to that, he was very fond of new clothes. He spent so much of time trying out new outfits, that he had no time to take care of the affairs of the kingdom. He neglected his duties towards his subjects. He had become very selfish and arrogant also. The weavers thought of a plan to cheat him. In doing so, they taught him a very good lesson.

V1. Look at the following opposites.

  1. Useful ×useless
  2. powerful ×powerless
  3. hopeful×hopeless
  4. helpful × helpless
  5. worthy × worthless
  6. careful × careless

Note: The suffix — less means ‘without’ as in noiseless – (without noise) purposeless (without purpose).
Now make as many phrases as possible and use them in sentences of your own. One example is done for you.
Eg: Useful or Useless

  1. Sham have given us a useful / useless suggestion.
  2. colorful ×colorless
    Hari bought a colorful / colorless book
  3. meaningful × meaningless
    My mother gave me a meaningful / meaningless advice
  4. helpful x helpless
    This product is very helpful/helpless to women.
  5. Purposeful ×purposeless
    The meeting was purposeful/purposeless
  6. Soulful ×soulless
    The rival groups made a soulful / soulless agreement
  7. powerful ×powerless
    The committee’s discussion was powerful/powerless
  8. worthy_× worthless
    The witness gave a worthy / worthless information.

V2. Read the following phrases given in the web – diagram.

From the web – diagram frame phrases like a set-up. First, match them with their meanings given in
brackets. Then fill in the blanks.

  1. start on a journey ……………. set forth
  2. to be put down in writing ……….. set down.
  3. be opposed to …………. set against
  4. trigger …………. set on
  5. begin …………… set about
  6. established ………….. set up

Use the correct form of the phrasal 4. verbs given in V3 and fill in the blanks appropriately.

  1. Why don’t you set down your ideas on paper.
  2. Ravi and Raju have set out on a journey round the world.
  3. How long will you take to set up this machine?
  4. Suma set herself out going to university.
  5. If we all set up we can finish the cleaning in an hour.
  6. I have to buy some woolens before the cold weather sets in

V3. Read the sentences and match them with their meanings.

1. take a day off, Kavya a) angry unfriendly
2. Mysore is still five miles off b) starting on a journey
3. Asha is off to Mangalore tomorrow c) away, distant in time
4. Shoes are on sale with 20% off d) away, distant in space
5. The bullet went off the target e) away from work or duty
6. The holidays are not so far off now. f) reduced in price cheaper
7. Veena was a bit off with me this morning g) away from the aim.


  1. e
  2. d
  3. b
  4. f
  5. g
  6. c
  7. a

V4. Read the table and study the example Different forms of the words are given.
Different forms of words

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

Now frame sentences using each of these word forms.

e.g. The Scientist was successful in his efforts.

  1. Success brings happiness.
  2. Krishnadevraya’s successor was inefficient.
  3. If we want to succeed, we should work hard.
  4. R.C.B succeeded in I match at Bangalore
  5. The succeeding C.E.O brought the company to a great height.
  6. Nowadays the success rate is rapidly increasing
  7. The unsuccessful students work hard for the next examination.

V5. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in brackets. One example is given. Write the different forms of words and frame one example for each form of the word.

  1. The dog was named[name]Tommy.
  2. I’m hoping that you’ll succeed this time.
    I hope you will not disappoint me
  3. His love was only a pretension to cheat me
    He pretended to love me.
  4. The child was healthy and good looking.
    The child’s health is perfectly alright.
  5. It is our duty to service old people.
    service brings satisfaction.
  6. Parents prime duty is educate their children
    Nowadays education becomes a business.

V6. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate form of words given in brackets

We had a wonderful (wonder) holiday at Ooty last summer. The weather was cool (cool) most of the time. We had pleasing (please) showers almost daily. The food was delicious (delicious) but father thought it was rather spicy (spice). The people were friendly (friend) and the scenery was extremely attractive (attract). We took a lot of beautiful (beauty) photographs of the hills and valleys. One night we watched a show of folk dance and music. Oh! it was so entertaining (entertain). On our last day, we went to the state Emporium and bought some art (art) things made out of wood.

V7. Rewrite the following sentences after making necessary corrections.

  1. News are very good.
    News is very good.
  2. There are 26 letters of the alphabet in English.
    There are 26 letters of the alphabet in English.
  3. Please give me some information.
    Please give me some information
  4. I have bought some furniture last week.
    I have bought some furniture last week.
  5. Politics are the last resort of scoundrels.
    Politics is the last resort of scoundrels.
  6. There are more sceneries in the Paintings.
    There are more scenery in the Paintings.

Note: The following words are generally used in the singular. furniture, alphabet, scenery, machinery, information, vocation, hair, The following words have plural form but take a singular verb, Physics, politics, economics, news, innings, headquarters.

Task 1.
Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Man is an enemy of many animals. Baby seals are clubbed to death for their skins.Crocodiles are tracked down and their skins are used for handbags and shoes. Elephants are destroyed for their ivory which is used for Jewelry.Whales are hunted for their oil. The whole species is being endangered to satisfy man’s love for fashion.

Questions : Make a list of the animals mentioned above and for what use they are killed.

Animals — Use
Elephants — jewelry
Baby seals — skins
Crocodiles — skin for handbags shoes
Whales  — oil

The above passage deals with man as an enemy of animals.

Cats Dogs
Family tigers wolves
Faithful to home area masters
Hunting habits hunts alone hunt in groups
Body language arch their back pull their lips show
(In anger) try to look large their teeth
Special skills It can fall from significant height but still survive without much injury. It can sense any smell in no time.

D. Grammar
Reported Speech

Task 1. Read the conversation between Aladdin and a stranger.

Stranger : Are you Mustafa’s son?
Aladdin : Yes Sir, I am, but my father is dead
Stranger : Don’t worry, my son! This is indeed a sad news. I am your father’s brother. Go and tell your mother. (Now Alladin went to his mother)
Aladdin: Mother, there is a gentleman at the door. He says he is my uncle. Should I bring him in?

Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given below using the clues given :

Note; The above conversation is in indirect speech.
Aladdin met a stranger who asked him if he was Mustafa’s son. Aladdin told him that he was, but his father was dead. The stranger consoled him saying not to worry and said that it was indeed sad news. He further informed him that he was his father’s brother and asked him to go and tell that to his mother. Aladdin went | and told his mother that there was a stranger at the door who said he was his uncle. He further asked her if he should bring the stranger in.

Task 2 Now express the following sentences in the reported speech.

  1. Kiran said to Reshma, “I am enjoying his new job.”
    Kiran told Reshma that he was enjoying his new job.
  2. “Renu has invited us to the party,” said Reshma.
    Reshma told us that Renu had invited them to the party.
  3. Kiran said, “We must attend the party/ Let’s Plan for it”.
    Kiran said that they should attend the party and added that they should plan for it.
  4. Kiran’s father said “You must visit your grandmother more often.”
    Kiran’s father said that he should visit his grandmother more often.
  5. Reshma said, “We are planning to visit her coming Sunday.”
    Reshma said that they were planning to visit her the following Sunday.
  6. “Last month you were busy. So you dropped the idea,” said Kiran’s mother.
    Kiran’s mother said that the previous month he had been busy and hence he had dropped the idea.

E. Writing:
Task 1. Look at the following sentences, and observe how the commas are used.

  1. Sarojini Naidu, the nightingale of India, was born in Hyderabad in 1879.
  2.  Indira Priyadarshini, daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, became as famous as her father.

Note: A comma is used in writing to denote a pause.

Task 2 : Insert commas wherever necessary

  1. Sir John Smith, the vice-chancellor, arrived just now.
  2. As the teacher entered, all the students stood up.
  3. “John, when will you come?” said Prema.
  4. Not knowing whom to address, he kept silent.
  5. If you do not know the answer, ask the teacher

Task 3. Read the following sentences, Observe the use of the apostrophe

  1. We celebrate Children’s Day on November 14th every year.
  2. Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5th every year.
  3. This is men’s wear and this is women’s wear.
  4. “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a play.
  5. A Nation’s Strength is a meaningful poem.

Task 4. Use apostrophe (whether necessary in the following paragraph.

Aristotle was born in Stagira, a Greek outpost on the Macedonian coast. His father was a doctor in the court of Philip II of Macedon. When Aristotle was about 17, he left for Athens where he became a pupil of Plato. He stayed in Plato’s Academy in Athens for 20 years, first as a student and later as a teacher. Then he was invited back to Macedon to tutor Alexander, Philips son.

Aristotle’s enthusiasm for wisdom and for free expression of ideas greatly influenced the young prince, and clearly played a role in eventually making him Alexander the Great.

Interestingly, Socrates disciple was Plato, Plato’s disciple was Aristotle, and Aristotle’s disciple was Alexander the Great.

The Emperor’s New Clothes Summary in English

Once upon a time, there lived a proud and foolish emperor who was very fond of wearing new clothes. He spent most of the time trying out new clothes. So he had very little time to attend the affairs of the kingdom.

One day the emperor was in an angry mood because he was not satisfied with the dresses which were brought by his Chief Adviser. He asked his Chief Adviser to banish all the worthless tailors of the country. He wanted new clothes and a tailor who can make him a different set of clothes every day. The chief adviser informed that two weavers were waiting to see the emperor and they were magic tailors also. He ordered to bring them. The two weavers came and explained their wonderful clothes. To prepare the wonderful dress, they need the finest silk, purest gold thread, and several jewels.

Emperor agreed to provide all they need. The weavers sew their magic dress which was not only beautiful to look, but also make the emperor to Judge his people. Because only wise, clever, and fit for their jobs will see and those who are foolish, unfit for their work will not see the dress. The emperor considered that he will be able to find out who is fit to manage the affairs of his kingdom and who is not.The weavers were provided with a large quantity of silk, the purest gold thread, and several jewels to decorate the dress.

Next day evening the chief Adviser came to see the weavers. Weavers were pretending to weave. They seem, to be working hard but he couldn’t seem, the clothes on the looms. The weavers described the color, pattern, design of the cloth. They exaggerated the beauty of the dress.The chief adviser positively responded to the weavers because if he said that he can’t see the clothes means he is a fool and not fit for his post. So he decided to send his Special Assistant to see what really happens.

Then the Special Assistant suspected the weavers. He was surprised that nothing was to be there on looms. The weavers as usual praised the clothes as they did to the Chief Adviser. The Special Assistant also thought of as the Chief Adviser. The weavers told that dress would be ready by the next morning. On the day of the procession, the emperor came with his Chief Adviser, the Special Assistant, and other courtiers to the Hall. The weavers took him to the dressing room. All the people outside heard the low voices of weavers and emperor. The Chief Adviser requested to the emperor that if he shows himself on the balcony before the procession, the people will feel happy. The emperor agreed to come.

After dressing the emperor walking through the hall towards the balcony. The courtiers show great surprise to see the emperor having little clothes. But no one says anything. When the emperor reaches balcony, cheers stop all of a sudden and there is pin-drop silence. Then the little child crying out with laughter, look, Daddy, the emperor has no clothes at all. Has the king become very poor? Doesn’t he have money to buy clothes”?

The Emperor’s New Clothes Summary in Kannada


The main aim is to provide quality education for the students of Class 8 English Karnataka State Board Solutions. Class 8 is very important for the students in their careers. We hope the information provided in this KSEEB Solutions Class 8 English Chapter 7 The Emperor’s New Clothes Questions and Answers is satisfactory for all. Bookmark our site to get the latest information about the solutions.

Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6 All The World Her Stage – KSEEB Solutions


Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6 All The World Her Stage Questions and Answers are prepared according to the latest academic syllabus. So refer to our Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions to score good marks in the exams. Tap the link and Download KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6 All The World Her Stage to cover all the topics.

All The World Her Stage Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

With the help of the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 6 All The World Her Stage Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary you can get an idea about the subject. Also we suggest the students keep the textbook aside to learn the subject in depth.
C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner:

All The World Her Stage Question 1.
Who was usually a playing companion for Sai in her childhood?
Usually, a playing companion for Sai in her childhood was her grandfather Sir R.P.Paranj pe.

All The World Her Stage Question Answer Question 2.
Who was affectionately called Appa?
Sir R.P.Paranj pe was affectionately called Appa. He was Sai’s grandfather.

Question 3.
When was the grandfather very much impressed by Sai’s ability?
One day her grandfather asked her to tell him a story. Sai told him a story which was replete with dragons, princess, talking parrots and hidden gold. When her grandfather came to know that Sai had made up the story herself, he was greatly impressed with her creative ability.

Question 4.
What was Sai’s first published book?
Sai’s first published book was ‘Mulancha Mera’, a book of fairy tales which means ‘my dream child’ or ‘ my favourite child’.

Question 5.
“Sai Froze”. When did this happen?
One day, Sai stepped on a book by mistake as she entered the library. Her grandfather ordered her to stop right there. Sai got scared. She stood there without moving.

C2. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner:

Question 1.
How would Sai draw the attention of her playmates while they made fun of her?
Sai was a fat girl. Her friends made fun of her saying that she could not run. She was not active and would make their team weak. But, she drew the attention of her playmates by telling them interesting stories and making them enact the roles as she directed.

Question 2.
What fascinated Sai as a child?
Sai was greatly fascinated by ‘doll’s wedding’, a traditional game played by Maharashtrian girls.

Question 3.
Why is the word ‘mother’ given within the inverted commas in the sixteenth and seventeenth paragraphs?
‘Mother’ here refers to the little girl Sai. She was role-playing the character of a bride’s mother in a marriage of dolls celebrated like a real wedding.

C3. Some statements are given below. Some are true and some are false. The tick of ‘T’ or ‘F’. Also, indicate in the box the paragraph number in which you can find your answer.

  1. Sai looked very athletic — False
  2. Sai used to tell fantastic stories to her friends — True
  3. Even as a child, Sai had published a book— True
  4. Her grandfather did not take it seriously when she stepped on a book — False
  5. Paranjpye was a senior wrangler — True
  6. One of the Maharashtrian Children’s game is “marriage of doll’s” — True
  7. Sai told a story to her grandfather — True
  8. Sai learned to regard books with respect — True

C4. Some important events in the story are given in a jumbled order. Put them in the order in which they are given in the text.

Question 1.
Sai’s drawing the attention of the playmates.
The usual sight of grandpa and Sai playing together.

Question 2.
A grandfather telling her to treat books with respect.
Sai’s telling a story to her grandfather.

Question 3.
The usual sight of grandpa and sai playing together.
A grandfather telling her to treat books with respect.

Question 4.
The wedding of dolls.
Sai’s drawing the attention of the

Question 5.
Sai’s telling a story to her grandfather.
The wedding of dolls.

C5. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write:

Question 1.
Describe how grandfather and Sai enjoyed each other’s company.
The grandfather and Sai enjoyed each other’s company as playmates and friends. Both of them skipping, walking, talking, joking etc. While they were walking grandfather asked some simple mathematical questions and also related fables to her. But Sai naturally preferred the fairy tales.

Question 2.
Why was grandfather very much impressed by Sai’s story?
Once while walking, Sai told a fairy tale full of fun with dragons, princess, talking parrots and hidden gold. The complete story was her imagination. Such a Little girl she made the story by herself. So grandfather was impressed by Sai’s story.

Question 3.
What do you think was the great achievement of Sai as a child?
When Sai was eight years old, she had published her first book of fairy tales called ‘Mulancha Mera’. This was the great achievement of Sai as a child.

Question 4.
Describe the incident in the library.
All the members of the Paranjpye family had great respect for books. One day Sai stepped on a book by mistake as she rushed into the library. Her grandfather became very angry. He ordered her to stop right there. He said that she had done a great mistake.

She had kicked knowledge. He told her to ask forgiveness of the book. Sai bent meekly and asked forgiveness of the book with folded hands. She received the same kind of punishment when he discovered any dog-eared book. Sai learnt to treat books with great respect.

Question 5.
How was Sai able to win over her friends?
Sai was a little plump. She was not very active physically. So, her playmates used to make fun of her. They did not allow her to play with them. Sai used to sit by the sidelines and watch them play. A brilliant idea came to her one day. She called out to them and said she would tell them a story and involve them in a lovely game. All her friends gathered around her. Sai cast a spell of magic. They listened to the fantastic story. They also took roles and acted as she directed. In this way, she was able to win over her friends.

Question 6.
What surprise awaited Sai one day as she came back from school?
One day Sai complained to her mother saying that she never let her have any fun. Her mother said that she would give Sai a surprise she would never forget. When Sai came back from school on that day, the whole house looked like a marriage hall.

Sai was dressed like a bride’s mother. The bridegroom came on a real horse. The bride was brought to the hall in the midst of religious chantings. Sai played the role of the bride’s mother and wedding of the dolls was celebrated.

C6. Write a paragraph on each of the following topics. Do it in pairs. Prepare first, and final drafts. Then compare them with those of your partner.

Question 1.
Sai’s talents even as a child.
Even as a child Sai was a very talented girl. After listening to the stories of her grandfather she had developed a liking for fairy tales. One day she asked her grandfather to tell her a story. But, he refused, instead, he asked her to tell him a story. She made up a fairy tale and told her grandfather.

Thus, she developed her creative talents. When she was only eight years old, she published her first book of fairy tales – called ‘Mulancha Mera’ (My favorite child). She used to tell fantastic stories to her friends and they were mesmerized by her fairy tales. She even directed them in the dramatization of her stories.

Question 2.
Lessons she learned from her grandfather.
Sai learnt many things from her grandfather. He was a famous educationist and mathematician. He used to tell her stories and make her solve simple mathematical problems.

He encouraged her creativity. By the time she was eight years old she could publish her first book of fairy tales. Sai’s love for books also grew with her. She learnt from her grandfather to love and respect books.

Question 3.
The incident of the wedding of dolls.
Sai was greatly fascinated by the “marriage of dolls”. It is a traditional game played by Maharashtrian girls. Once, she complained to her mother that she was not having any kind of fun. Her mother gave a surprise to her on that day. When she returned from school, her house looked like a marriage hall.

Her mother dressed Sai as the mother of a bride. The bridegroom arrived on a real horse. The doll of a bride was brought with the religious chanting of mantras. Jaggery and Poha were distributed among the children. The marriage of dolls was celebrated with all pomp and glory.

V1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words chosen from, among the ones given in brackets.

Sai was fond of telling stories. Her grand-father was impressed by this talent of hers. Though she was not good at sports, she used to entertain friends with her flights of fancy. Even as a child she had published a book of fairy tales.
[impressed, good, published, fond, flights, tales, entertain]

V2. Some terms that describe people are given below. Classify them under ‘desirable: and ‘not so desirable’ categories. You may consult a good dictionary’ to help you doing this.

complaining, creative, imaginative, short tempered, lazy, spirited, social, glum, jovial, innovative, lethargic, double-tongued, lax. jealous creative

e.g desirable not so desirable
imaginative, spirited Complaining, jealous
social, jovial short tempered,
innovative,creative lethargic, double- tongued, lax, glum

V3. Give the negative forms of these words using a prefix. Change the article if necessary.
(short, fast, dim, beginning, young)

An old man appeared on the stage walking slowly at the end of the play, just before the close of the show.Soon, the audience stood up as the lights were switched on. In that bright light, they could see the director, a tad man with an imposing figure

1. a familiar sight — an unfamiliar sight
2. an used towel — an unused towel
3. a prepared speech — an unprepared speech.
4.  an attentive soldier — an inattentive soldier.
5.  a successful attempt — an unsuccessful at ­tempt
6.  an organised show — a disorganized snow.
7. a satisfied person — a dissatisfied person.

C. Reading:

Reading for Information
Task 1. Read the following piece of news and answer the questions.

Jahangir Khan, the legendary squash-player from Pakistan is considered to be greatest player in the history of Squash. He won the World Open six times, and the British open a record ten times. Between 1981 and 1986, he won 555 matches consecutively. This was not only the longest winning streak in squash history, but also one of the longest unbeaten runs by any athlete if any top-level professional sports.

  1. Who is Jahangir Khan ?
    Jahangir Khan is the legendary Squash- player.
  2. Which country does he belong to?
    He belongs to Pakistan
  3.  Which game is he known for?
    He is considered to be the greatest player in the history of Squash.
  4. How many times did he win the World Open?
    He won the World Open ten times.
  5. Which Open did he win ten times?
    The British Open, ten times
  6. What was Jahangir’s achievement be-tween 1981- 1986 ?
    Jahangir won 555 matches consecutively between 1981-1986.

D. Grammar:

Task 3. Compare the given sets of nouns in pairs. Use the adjectives given in the box. Two are done for you
Note : You have got to add appropriate article in some cases,

nouns adjectives
gold cheap
masala puri elephant spicy
ice water
Chamundi hills Mt. Everest tall
mouse white rice cool
aluminium big
  1. Aluminium is cheaper than gold
  2. Gold is not as cheap as aluminium
  3. Masala Puri is more spicy than white rice.
  4. White rice is not as spicy as Masaia puri
  5. Elephant is bigger than mouse
  6. Mouse is not as big as an elephant.
  7. Ice is cooler than water.
  8. 8. water is not as cool as an ice.
  9. Mt. Everest is taller than Chamundi hills.
  10. Chamundi hills is not as tall as Mt. Everest.

Task 4. Complete the following sentences using the given adjectives or their comparative / superlative form :

  1. great — Who, according to you. is the greatest living poet of India?
  2. useful — Iron is the most useful of all met also.
  3. useful — Iron is more useful than any other j metal.
  4. dry — Rajastan is the driest part of India.
  5. good — Health is always better than wealth.
  6. good — Honesty is the best policy
  7. sharp — Your knife is not so sharp as mine.
  8. tall — Ramesh is as tall as his father
  9. old — My sister is three years older than me.
  10. heavy — May I help you? Your bag is heavy

E. Writing: (All The World Her Stage Notes Points)
Descrptive Writing
Task 1. Describe the peacock in about ten sentences using the words given below.

(bird, national, beautiful, body blue, golden eyes, long green feathers, dance, blue eyes, eatsgerms, worms, tender shoots of plants, live close to villages)

The peacock is our national bird . It is very beautiful. Its body is covered by long green feathers. It has blue eyes. It eats germs, worms and tender shoots of plants. It lives close to villages. It dances before rain. The male peacock dances. Its dance is most attractive. Its blue body is nice to see.

Task 2. Given below is a picture and some sentences describing it. Correct the description and rewrite the sentences so that they match the pictures.

At the market, I saw an old woman sitting in a chair. She was selling eggs She was wearing shirt and trousers. It was raining. At the road-side, I saw woman sitting on the foot path. She was selling pots. She was wearing a saree. It was sunny day.

All The World Her Stage Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What was a familiar sight to the residents of Pune?
A plump little girl of about six. or seven, skipping along with an elderly gentleman was a familiar sight to the residents of Pune.

Question 2.
What was Sai’s grandfather?
Sai’s grandfather Sir R.P. Paranjpye, was a famous educationist and mathematician.

Question 3.
What did Appa tell Sai during their walks?
Appa put simple mathematical questions to her and told her a number of fables such as fairy tales, Arabian Nights and Birbal’s stories.

Question 4.
What kind of a story did Sai tell her grandfather?
Sai told him a fairy tale which was full of dragons, princess, talking parrots and hidden gold. She herself had made it up.

Question 5.
How did Appa punish Sai for stepping on a book?
Appa ordered her to ask forgiveness of the book.

Multiple Choice Questions

Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate one.

Question 1.
Sai Paranjpye is a famous theatre personality from
A) Pune
B) Mumbai
C) Calcutta
D) Ahmedabad
A) Pune

Question 2.
A traditional same played by Maharashtrian sirls is
A) chanting of mantras
B) sharing of gud and poha
C) storytelling
D) doll’s wedding
D) doll’s wedding

All The World Her Stage Summary in English

This lesson is a short life-sketch of Sai Paranjpye, a famous theater personality from Pune. When she was 6-7 years girl, skipping along with an elderly gentleman. That gentleman was her grand-father Sir R.P.Paranjpye. He was India’s first senior wrangler. She lost her parents at a young age. She was looked after by her grandfather. She grew up with her grandfather. She called him as Appa. Appa put simple mathematical questions and fables to her. The fables are fairy tales, Arabian Nights, and Birbal’s stories. She liked only stories, not mathematics.

One day Sai asked her Appa to tell a story but he asked her to tell a story. She agreed. She told a fairy tale with dragons, princesses, talking parrots, hidden gold, etc on her own. After hearing the story Appa asked where she had read it. She said that she had made up the story. He was very much impressed. From that day onwards it continued and it was the beginning of a wonderful world of creativity. At that time she was 8 years old. She had published her first book of fairy tales “Mulancha Mera”. Her love for books grew with her. She learned to respect books from her Appa.

Sai was too fat and her mates made fun of her and criticized that she is not fit for any games. Meanwhile, she thought of a plan and called her mates and told a story of magic is¬land full of hidden treasure. They were also ready to take roles and act as she directed.

She was fascinated by dolls wedding, It is a traditional game in Maharashtra. One day Sai’s mother arranged a doll’s wedding. Sai became the bride’s “mother”. The ‘mother ’ that day, so fond of drama, grew up to become filmmaker and theater personality.

All The World Her Stage Summary in Kannada


The main aim is to provide quality education for the students of Class 8 English Karnataka State Board Solutions. Class 8 is very important for the students in their careers. We hope the information provided in this KSEEB Solutions Class 8 English Chapter 6 All The World Her Stage Questions and Answers is satisfactory for all. Bookmark our site to get the latest information about the solutions.

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