The Merchant Of Venice ICSE Class 10, 9 English Sample Questions

The Merchant Of Venice ICSE Class 10, 9 English Sample Questions


A. Read the following extracts and answer the questions.

1. “I am as like to call the so again
To spit on thee again, to spurn thee”.

a) Acquaint us with the context of the extract. (3)

b) Bring out the chemistry between the speaker and listener . (4)

c) What does the speaker say after the extract? (3)

2. “………………..Let the forfeit
Be nominated for an equal pound
On your fair flesh.”

a) Bring out the context of the extract (3)
b) How does this extract play an important role in the drama? (4)
c) How do the listeners react to this? (3)

3. “Nay I bar tonight, you shall not gauge me by what we do tonight.”

a) What does Bassanio say to the speaker before hand? (3)
b) What did the speaker say in answer to the statement by Bassanion. (4)
c) What does the extract mean? What answer does Bassanio give after this statement? (1+2)

4. “There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest for I did dream of money bags to night.”

a) What is the context of the lines? (3)
b) Before this extract which advice did shylock give to her daughter? (3)
c) Bring out the link of the dream with the future happenings. (4)

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