MCQ Questions for Class 9 Disaster Management Chapter 2 Components of Disaster Management with Answers

If you’re looking for a way to enhance your Social studies Class 9 Disaster Management then look no further than the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 Disaster Management Chapter 2 Components of Disaster Management with Answers. MCQ Questions for Class 9 Social Science with Answers is perfect for those who are in Class 9 Disaster Management and want to get ahead of everyone else by mastering their subject skills as soon as possible!

Components of Disaster Management Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

Solving MCQ on Components of Disaster Management Class 9 with Answers can be of great help to students as they will be aware of all the concepts. These Class 9 Disaster Management Chapter 2 MCQ with Answers pave for a quick revision, thereby helping you learn more about this subject.

Question 1.
Relief and response includes which of the following:
(a) mobilising resources
(b) identifying the vulnerable groups
(c) proper waiting system
(d) disaster resistant building


Answer: (a) mobilising resources

Question 2.
Recovery and rehabilitation includes which of the following.
(a) proper warning system
(b) mutual aid arrangement
(c) reconstructing new buildings
(d) land use planning


Answer: (c) reconstructing new buildings

Question 3.
Planning Prevention and mitigation includes.
(a) preventing habitation in risk zones
(b) peconstructing new buildings
(c) proving financial support
(d) medical camps.


Answer: (a) preventing habitation in risk zones

Question 4.
Which of the following disaster struck village Killari on 30th Sept, 1993.
(a) landslides
(b) earthquake
(c) floods
(d) cyclone


Answer: (b) earthquake

Question 5.
Preparedness does not includes which of the following:
(a) mock drill
(b) mutual aid arrangement
(c) community awareness
(d) issuing updated warnings


Answer: (d) issuing updated warnings

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. There has been a shift from ‘disaster response and recovery to’ disaster risk management and risk reduction.


Answer: True

2. Community awareness and education is a part of preparedness.


Answer: False

3. Prevention means a measure to eliminate or reduce the incidence to severity of emergencies.


Answer: True

4. Kobe in Japan earthquakes are considered as temporary inconveniences.


Answer: True

5. In California, U.S.A. buildings are not resistant to earthquakes.


Answer: False

Match the following


Column A Column B
1. Preparedness (a) Providing adequate shelter
2. Recovery and Rehabilitating (b) Preventing habitation in risk zones
3. Relief and Response (c) Identifying the vulnerable groups
4. Planning, Prevention and Mitigatior (d) Finding employment opportunities


Column A Column B
1. Preparedness (c) Identifying the vulnerable groups
2. Recovery and Rehabilitating (d) Finding employment opportunities
3. Relief and Response (a) Providing adequate shelter
4. Planning, Prevention and Mitigatior (b) Preventing habitation in risk zones

Hope you found this information on NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 Disaster Management Chapter 2 Components of Disaster Management with Answers useful. We are always here to help, so if there is any specific query or question with CBSE Social Science Components of Disaster Management Class 9 MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers or any other topic please let us know in the comments below.

And without any delay jump to the next chapters of Class 9 Disaster Management MCQs:

MCQ Questions for Class 9 SST Disaster Management with Answers

  1. Becoming a Disaster Management
  2. Components of Disaster Management
  3. Introduction to Disaster Risk Management
  4. Specific Hazards and Mitigation
  5. Preventing Common Man-Made Disasters
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